Monday, June 20, 2022

I did it!

 I butchered my very first, all-by-myself chicken this morning. From start to finish, plucked and all. Sadly, my knives hadn't been sharpened so there was a little mishap while gutting (No, I didn't cut any fingers off) and the poor chicken was basically sacrificed so I could have a chicken anatomy lesson. But I do have two chicken feet in the oven dehydrating for two lucky pups to chew on tomorrow.

I'm quite proud of myself. I did it. 

Next on the list, other than butchering 35 or so more birds, is to clean out the shed, turn it into a coop, move some birds around, knock down a coop, and set up some nicely raised gardening beds. No more bending for me. I'm too old and the last two kids will be on their way soon. My son is about to turn 19 in 10 days, he just passed his written for his driver's test. Time to get him some practice and then he'll be ready. He's late getting to it, but better late than never. The older three kids never bothered at all and none of them drive. But anyway... the point of this is that I'm not going to have help around here much longer. If I can't do it myself, I need to figure out how to change it so I can. 

I'm like the little engine that could today... but with a headache. But it's ok. I butchered a chicken all by myself!


  1. You may be one of the few that can claim such knowledge out here. Congratulation! I'm curious about your kids not driving. Where do they live where this skill is not needed? Now my son can't drive, although he has a license. But he lives where they have subways, busses and cabs.

    Enjoy your raised gardens. And your chicken dinner.


    1. PK - The three older kids are scattered. One to Mexico, another Ontario, and another smack in the middle of a small town here in NB. They can all get around no problem. I, on the other hand, don't go anywhere unless Garf's home. I planted us right in the middle of nowhere.


Still alive

 Just dropping in to say I'm still alive. Busy, as usual. I have some odd plans cooking up in my brain. When/if I have time, perhaps I...